


In game development, there is a rule, where one shouldn’t force the player to read a wall of text, instead, leave it up to player’s choice - quests and important game information is short, and non-important information is hidden for the player to find, which, usually is a wall of text. Since the current of the internet seas took you to an “about” page of myself, I will believe that you are the latter, though I present to you the choice - Either you can turn back, live as you lived, or you can chew through my babbling about me, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

My home, Tenerife. My home, Tenerife.

I’m Pavel Necas, and I’m a multi-talented creative professional with a diverse background in game development, production pipelines, programming, 3D, VR, product conception and realization. I know, it sounds quite a lot - I don’t even know what to call myself.

What do I do?

I’ve started projects, studio and companies. Furthermore, I communicate with clients, I make sure that project stays within budget but has creative freedom. I like to generate ideas, write, create fantasy worlds or create real life business ideas. I also like to get my hands dirty, so project management, programming, 2D work like UX UI design, animation creation, sound design, or scripting are all things I’ve done and have experience in. Currently, I am intensely learning programming like Dart and Flutter.

How it all started

I started off as a 3D generalist and eventually found my way to the video mapping industry, where I had many roles, such as a project manager, designer, concept artist, and programmer. Usually I had to find very creative ways to get task done quickly and originally with great quality output, which was a great source of experience.

Afterwards, I spent some time working on VR projects for clients, which was a really exciting and innovative field to be a part of. Though then I discovered my next challenge - game development. I spent a solid 8 years in game development, learning the ins and outs of 3D modeling, programming, audio design, and game design. I released one indie game.

These days, I’m all about programming and building products, or creating games, I’m all about finding creative solutions that work well within budgets, and I’m not afraid to roll up my sleeves and get the job done.


My hobby is classic cars, which I like to fix. They are much better than the steel tin cans of the modern era, with their useless touchscreens, start stop systems, expensive parts that are impossible to fix, and generally they follow “just throw it out after 5 years” economy.

W124 My baby, a classic E300 W124 Mercedes E-class which I spend too much time on.

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work in some amazing places like the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, and the Czech Republic. It’s been a great journey, and it’s great how many people I’ve met during my work travels.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I’m always up for new challenges and collaborations, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!